We cover the Ontario Curriculum from grades 1-12 and beyond.



What's the point of conjugating French verbs and memorizing them, but not being able to use them in sentences? 

The Challenge 

All students in Canada learn at least 5 years of mandatory French, but upon completion, the vast majority of students still find it extremely difficult to speak any French. Why is there this gap, when there are at least four French programs in Ontario: Core French, Extended French, French Immersion, as well as the International Baccalaureate (IB) French?

French is one of Canada's official languages. It is also spoken officially in at least 29 countries, including France, Switzerland, and Belgium. For those who speak English, a large portion of the English vocabulary is actually French origin. Speaking French also opens doors to more jobs and higher-paying positions. Indeed, there are many benefits to speaking French!


The Solution

It's not easy teaching and juggling Core, Extended, Immersion, and IB French. Thankfully, we understand what makes French tricky for students because we've been there, done that. Our tips for learning French help bridge the gap between learning and being able to speak. We encourage students by letting them know that they don't have to be from France to be fluent. We know it isn't easy, especially when most students are only exposed to French during a small window of time at school. Learning a new language is tough enough, but learning a language that you hardly hear, speak or write can seem like trying to cross the Pacific Ocean when you've only ever doggy paddled in the kiddie pool.
Our French classes really are practicalinnovative and fun. The lessons focus on the requirements in The Ontario Curriculum for French As a Second Language, and in every lesson, all 5 elements - Conversation, Grammar, Reading, Writing and Pronunciation - are covered. But, it's the way we've designed our lessons that makes a difference. At jessLEARN, students have their own computers and learn at their own pace. They can express their own ideas in French, and they have a lot of fun doing it. Just ask the students who ask to stay after class because they want to win at one of our French games! Or, ask them how to create presentations in PowerPoint, narrate their own stories that they've written themselves, make their own movies or animation, and design posters online! It's amazing what students are capable of when they are allowed to combine technology with language-learning. And what's even more amazing is the fact that they can do all this, in French.  

C'est merveilleux, n'est-ce pas?


Your vs. You're  |  Their vs. There vs. They're  |  It's vs. Its | Then vs. Than ... and more. 

The Challenge 

English is one of the only subjects that is mandatory all the way to Grade 12 in Ontario. This shows how important it is for students to get a solid grasp on the English language as early on as possible, not just to get good marks, but because learning it well is such an important language skill students will use for life.  

It's easy to take for granted that the English language is simply understood, since most Canadians grow up speaking English. Grammar is not always the main focus in schools because students are speaking, reading and writing in English all the time, so it's almost implied that students just 'know it.' So, why is learning English a good thing? Well, English is the official language in at least 54 countries. The everyday tasks so many of us don't pause to think about - buying groceries, going shopping, getting around, being in school, and landing a job - all depend on one's ability to communicate in English. 

The Solution

jessLEARN Inc.'s English classes cater to all students Grades 1 - 12 who are looking to brush up or get ahead in English as per the Ontario Curriculum. Whether it's help with understanding Shakespeare, writing essays or creative writing, or even overcoming English grammarjessLEARN Inc.'s the place to be. We even coach students through public speaking and giving effective, memorable presentations, and help students build confidence and a sense of leadership. Whatever your needs are to improve your English, we want to help.

For newcomers, finding a trusted teacher who can help their child(ren) learn English is not an every day occurrence. Imagine being new to Canada and trying to fit into the new Ontario school system. Struggling to understand and learn English is already a challenge when everyone else is speaking and learning English so naturally at a blinding pace. But wait! Let's not forget that French is also taught in Grade 4 and is mandatory until Grade 9! The head spins as newcomers must learn 2 languages at the same time. At jessLEARN Inc., we understand the specific language barriers and confusing English grammar rules immigrants face. Our ESL (English as a Second Language) lessons focus on practical conversation and pronunciationreading and comprehensionwritinggrammar; and editing. We even cover the thinking process (logic and reasoning)sentence structure and word choices.

We teach as quickly as our students are able to learn. 



How many times have we encountered frustrated students who “just aren’t strong in math”?

The Challenge

Math really is its own language – a language of numbers. This is why Math can be such a challenge for students, because we simply don’t speak in this language. Math is also abstract, which adds another level of difficulty. What is a negative number? When exactly would we have -10 of something? How does probability work and what does it have to do with dice? Proofs? And to top this all off, Math requires students to solve those infamous word problems, which require 1) a level of English language reading comprehension before 2) relating this in Math terms, then 3) translating English sentences into Math numbers and symbols. Not always a walk in the park.

Now, let’s see where the problem truly lies:

Math in Ontario is taught generally until the senior levels of High School. Suddenly, teens are at the mercy of Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, and Finite, among others. The biggest killer is that these students are too rarely showed WHY they’re learning these, WHERE they can see these types of Math concepts being used in life, or even WHAT industries in the working world make use of this math. And let’s not forget that the introduction of Algebra also means that Math now suddenly includes letters which represent ‘unknowns.’ And the concept of solving for multiple unknowns?!


The Solution 

At jessLEARN Inc., we boil down complex math concepts into easily digestible pieces. This gives students confidence, and helps them to truly understand and apply math so that they stop viewing math as a stumbling block and get better marks. 

Students are also taught in a way where math can be applied in so many more ways they thought possible – inside and outside of school.

Everyone needs math. 

Math is so important and practical. It needs to be taught well. How many students today struggle with calculating the HST on groceries, games or toys? Or even calculating interest on student loans? How about when they buy or rent their first home and need to figure out monthly mortgage payments? Math in these terms relating to real life situations is what speaks to students. 



"I want to be... an Engineer, Family Doctor, Surgeon, Pharmacist, Dentist, Lab Technician, Physiotherapist, Nurse, Biochemistry Professor, Electrician, Nutritionist..."

The Challenge

Let's be honest: What's NOT challenging about Science?  From organelles to understanding the Periodic Table, or even kinematics - students' heads explode not only with information overload, but new terminology rarely used or heard of in their daily lives. What adds to this challenge is that the Ontario School curriculum jam-packs 3 sciences in depth - Biology, Chemistry and Physics - within 2 short but critical years (Grades 11 and 12) before applying to Universities. This sudden immediate jump from basic Science principles covered from Grades 3-10, to detailed abstract concepts in Grades 11 and 12 means some students are just doing their best to stay afloat in all the material thrown at them. To survive, they memorize, regurgitate, rinse, repeat. They don’t learn it for real. 

It's like learning to open your parachute while falling. 

The Solution 

So what do we do at jessLEARN Inc.? We actually motivate our students to learn Science. Science should not be memorized; it must be understood. This is why we teach students to take apart the jumbled mess of complicated concepts and break them down into organized, bite-sized pieces that they can digest. And when students are stumped, we’re beside them to pinpoint what they don't get, why they don't get it, and how we can overcome the mental roadblock. We also connect the classroom to the real world. 3D bio-printed organs? Science!  

Students see why these Science concepts and theories matter and by making material relevant and relatable, our students understand and, dare we say, like science!  

Science through practice, understanding, exposure and enjoyment. This is what we stand by at jessLEARN Inc.

We are not another extra-curricular activity.
Your child is our investment
in the future.