Teaching differently.
It's what we do.


We don't teach the way teachers do at schools.

We don't use one approach to teach a multitude of students. We don't give stacks of handouts and expect the handouts to explain themselves to students in a comprehensible way. We also don't assign pages of homework from a textbook. We most definitely do not simply give our students the answers. 

What we actually do is personalize our coaching so students are equipped to thrive in school and throughout life. 

We teach life skills that will apply to everything our students do in their lives now, and in the future: organizational skills, study and test-taking strategies, critical thinking,
logic + reasoning, and speaking coherently, which is one of the most important social skills. 


We teach students to teach themselves - a skill they will use for life.

"Tutor" is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what we do for students.

We're the coolest teachers you'll ever meet, and we're so passionate about teaching to propel the next generation to a meaningful future that we've made this our life's mission. 



We are here to build confidence, not to be a crutch.

We empower students individually and show them what they themselves are capable of, when they have dedicated coaches who explain concepts so they make sense.

When our students are self-motivated to learn instead of being parent-motivated, we foster within them an ability to self-teach: to understand and apply what they learn, so that they become more confident in their own ability to achieve. A light bulb goes off and they realize, "I can do this, myself!" which means they tackle more, struggle less, and rely on themselves.

This positive snowball effect leads to higher marks and social success - the perfect combination.

Academic Excellence + Life Skills.
The best of both worlds at jessLEARN Inc.

Students - (Google) = Real Thinking

Google can dull even the sharpest of minds when students rely on it for answers, rather than thinking with their own brains. Students can Google anything under the sun, yet so few can apply this information.

Information only becomes knowledge when it can be applied. This is why we challenge our students to really think, then reflect. They learn to self teach and be self-sufficient.

Let's observe Mr. SpewContent and three
of his students in their natural habitat:
-The Typical Classroom-
Mr. Spewcontent
reads through his lesson slides, sometimes scribbling notes on the board. He distributes several handouts and assignments without clearly explaining how to complete homework or what he expects. He returns graded assignments. Did he mark the assignments for completion or for quality? How does a student improve? The students are left wondering. Every few weeks, he announces quizzes and tests. For the high school students, exams loom over their heads.
Student A
does her best to keep up. She attempts her homework, but struggles to grasp the material. Unable to pinpoint her trouble spots, she is unsure of what improvements to make to raise her mark. Dejected and fatigued, all she wants is to get through final exams.
Student B
zones out in class. He has no idea how to tackle homework and opts not to do it. Lack of engagement and organizational skills leave him lost in piles of schoolwork. With little time to cram for finals, it's an uphill crawl to the finish line - he prays for a passing mark.
Student C
pulls all-nights regularly and can hardly focus or retain any information in class. At night, she stays up trying to learn class material and complete schoolwork. Unable to break the cycle, all her marks start to dip. Final exams mean even less sleep and more stress.
Quizzes, tests, and final exams arrive.
Students cram and memorize. Regurgitate on the test - empty their brains.


It's time to end the cycle of cram, regurgitate, rinse, repeat. 

We disrupt this negative cycle by implementing a Big Picture approach, which we break down into manageable steps. 

Our teachers simplify complex material so students at any age can understand the material. We connect with parents and students - really listening to what they say so we can make material relevant and applicable to their lives. 

The result? Students actually retain what they learn, and their marks improve.


Oh, stop! You're making us blush...

“jessLEARN's methods are rooted in common sense and respect for the learning process. You have a way of engaging your students that makes them feel comfortable where the learning is fun and not just work.— Praveen, Uncle
“There are lots of teachers/tutors, but I chose you because you are enthusiastic in teaching students, responsible and knowledgeable." "Hard-working and eager to learn students can benefit so much from your teaching.— Regina, Parent
“I think your attitude of striving for excellence in teaching really helps me to trust my child's learning with you. I know you will do your very best to ensure that my child is learning. ”

— Evelyn, Parent

What to Expect: 

Whole grain, get it?

Side effects of learning with us include: 

+ actually thinking with your brain (Google will be a sidekick only)
+ owning up to work for what you want 
+ growing pains (non-negotiable but worth it!)
+ being our favourite, like all our other students  
+ loving jessLEARN-ing!

Come prepared to learn to be a whole person. 

jessLEARN Inc. was created on the basis of my teaching philosophy that I want to teach and learn for life.
It’s not just a company name which embeds my name.
It reflects a frame of mind, an attitude, a reminder, that learning continuously is a winner’s mentality.

I want all my students to succeed in life: to “jessLEARN” what they don’t know and aren’t familiar with;
what’s new to them, what they may be afraid of facing, and how to overcome the challenges in life.
Learning is a gift, a privilege, a right.

My goal is for my students - as well as myself - to embrace opportunities, obstacles, school subjects,
and life by jessLEARN-ing along the way.